~Portraits in Blues~
FunkyMojoDaddy 09/19/2010 Lucille's / Griffith,In.
The name says it all. This band plays funky blues, which has a unique, interesting sound. We thoroughly enjoyed the music of Funky MoJoDaddy, at Lucille’s in Griffith, Indiana, where they played. The enjoyable atmosphere of this bar is a great place to appreciate their tunes. Thanks to everyone at Lucille’s, whose hospitality was appreciated. Funky MoJoDaddy is an energetic, dynamic group of artists who pack some musical power that gets people out on the dance floor. Kenny Kinsey (bass and vocals), Nick Byrd (guitar and vocals), Corey Dennison (guitar and vocals), and Jerry Porter (drums) rocked the house with blues and rock, and an added pinch of soul. You can’t miss with this combination. It was especially nice that they remembered and honored Jimi Hendrix on the 40th anniversary of his untimely death. Their rendition of his music brought tears to our eyes. Thank you, guys.
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